Several people have asked about the model used in the banner for this blog. It's a scale model (1 inch = 1 foot) of my studio apartment. I did it set design style, without walls or a ceiling. I started by laying down over 500 cherry wood tiles to simulate the original, old parquet floor. I built most of the components from scratch, but some were made for me by experts in their various fields (like the leather chair, the keyboard, and the working lamps). The model isn't finished yet - it's sort of always work in progress.
Photos: Tom Casesa)
Click photos to enlarge
Some details:
The chair (and the guitar in the other pictures) came courtesy of a Kurt Cobain action figure set. |
The iMac was challenging. After experimenting a bit, I used foam board for the main piece, and clay for the metal base. |
Bed frame: made with mahoghany and bass wood. |
I'm pretty proud of having made these miniature books. They are the two volumes of the New Annotated Sherlock Holmes (by Klinger). The two books (whose spines, when side by side, form a silhouette of Holmes) slide out of the case. The real books are must-haves for Holmes fans and they are good follow-ups to the original Annotated Sherlock Holmes by William Baring Gould. |
Love the bed frame and the books, so neat that they slip out of the case! The guitar is really cool, too. I see what you mean about the implied walls by adding the artwork attached to rods. It works! :-)